The Ministers and Support Staff at St Paul are passionate about ministry. The proclamation of the Gospel through the Word, through Music, and through Missions undergirds everything that we do here. From Summer Lunch to Soccer, from Senior Adults to Nursery, St Paul is here to grow disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor and Directors

Rev. Shelia Preacher


I’m Shelia Preacher, the pastor here at St. Paul UMC. Here's a little bit about me and my love of God and people. I grew up in the United Methodist Church and honestly, I cannot remember when I did not know of God’s love for me through Jesus. (My family and Sunday School teachers did an AWESOME job introducing me to His reach for the world.) Jesus grabbed hold of my heart early and never let me go!

I haven’t always been a preacher, however. I was a high school teacher, an administrative assistant at a nuclear power consulting firm, and I’ve helped shaped the startup of a new specialty construction firm. Whew…talk about a life journey! Yet, God, church life, and people were always uppermost in my heart, no matter my career path. So, I stepped aside from my career and obtained my Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology and became ordained in the United Methodist Church in 2012. And…here I am.

So then…what about YOU? What has your life’s journey been like? What intrigues you about God? Does St. Paul UMC interest you? (Hehe…just so you know…the folks here “lovingly” call me…the question lady.) Truly, I would love to meet you! Join us any Sunday or give me a call at church!

Hope Field

Director Music Ministries

Originally from Farmville, North Carolina, Hope majored in Music at East Carolina University. She has been a resident of Marietta, Ga for 25 years. She has 3 adult children, Connor, Morgan, and Zack. Hope also works at Kennestone Hospital in the operating room. Surgery is her vocation, but music, especially church music, is her avocation.

Victoria Littlefield

Director of Children's Ministries

Born at Kennestone Hospital, Victoria has been a lifelong resident of Marietta. Aside from working in churches, she has worked as a Beginning Dance Teacher and Lead Teacher in the 2- and 3-year-old classes of a local daycare.

At her childhood church, she first volunteered as a helper in the toddler Sunday school classes, and in the nursery during Vacation Bible School. After moving to St. Paul in her early 20s, Victoria was involved in the choir and worship ministry before finding a place in the Children’s Ministry.

First volunteering to teach Sunday school once a month, she was then hired as the Nursery Worker. Years later she moved up to the Nursery Director position and became Children’s Ministry Director. She enjoys picking out and tweaking curriculum to fit the kid’s learning styles, connecting with families, leading events like Easter egg hunts, and putting together Christmas plays.

In her free time, she writes articles for a website dedicated to bringing awareness to different chronic illnesses and disabilities. Outside of church her favorite thing to do is spend time with her husband and her mother. Each day she counts her blessings that she gets to be a part of this church family, working with selfless volunteers, and getting to spend time with such incredible kids.

Morgan Field

Lead Nursery

Hi there! My name is Morgan Field. I have the pleasure of spending Sunday mornings in our nursery! There is an abundance of love and passion throughout this church. I’m grateful to be a part of it. 

I have lived in Marietta since I was born. My twin brother and I grew up in this nursery and I’m so glad to have come “full circle” in my journey with God! 

As I spend more time with our little ones, I am reminded of how much of an impact growing up at St. Paul still has on me. My goal is to give them the same experience I had. I hope to inspire the children and bring excitement into our nursery. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to serve God! I am very excited about our Children’s Program and what lies ahead!

Support Staff

Ed Jackson

Financial Secretary

Louise Byrd

Administrative Assistant

Louise is a native of Cobb County, having grown up in East Cobb and in Cherokee County, Georgia. She has degrees in Elementary Education from Tift College, Music from Southwestern Baptist Seminary, and Theology from Mercer University in Atlanta. She is passionate about fulfilling God’s kingdom in a support role. Creativity is a gift from God, and it is her joy to use it in God’s service.

Dorothy McCracken

Dorothy grew up in Albany, GA. She has an associate degree in music from what was formerly the community college there. At age 13, she began playing for Putney Methodist, then a few years later, for Morningside Methodist, then for Palmyra Rd United Methodist. Dorothy married Ernie in 1976 and moved to North Georgia in 1978. She has currently been organist/pianist at St. Paul since 1981. She says, "God has called me to serve and praise Him with the talent He has given me, and I hope to do that as long as I am able."


Zahra Taylor

Nursery Assistant

Zahra is a rising Freshman at Kennesaw State.

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