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9:45 AM Sunday School

St Paul offers engaging Bible Studies for all. Our Nursery class welcomes infants through Kindergarten. The Children's Sunday School class includes Elementary-age children. 

Our Open Door class invites Adults of all backgrounds to study the bible with us.

11:00 AM Traditional/Blended Worship

You will find a warm welcome at St. Paul's 11:00 AM worship service. Our beautiful sanctuary brings the outdoors inside, for a reminder that we are all part of God's creative and redemptive work. Our worship style includes elements that you would expect to find at any United Methodist Church, such as the Apostles' Creed, The Lord's Prayer, and our monthly Communion Service. We sing hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal as well as praise songs from a variety of sources. We provide many ways to express our praise and adoration of our great God.

Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Meal

Watch here for more information about Wednesday Night Suppers at St Paul. We hope to resume WNS this fall.

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